Book Review · From the Vault · Resource Review

Reviews, Incoming!


*2017 update-this timeline is no longer in use*

Hello! Thanks for stopping by. Things are about to get shakin’ around here! In honor of that, I thought I’d create a nice little post with a “key” to the upcoming posts. I’ll update this list as posts are added for easy finding.

My ratings will be based on my enjoyment of the books on their own, not in comparison to one another. Here’s a key:
1-star: hated it!
2-star: didn’t like it.
3-star: it was ok.
4-star: really liked it.
5-star: loved it!

Tuesdays – Review of a book I’ve recently read. Simple, really. This will be a mixture of traditional- and self-published books. It may wind up leaning a little more one way and then another as my reading moods shift, but exclusivity for one or another is not my goal.

Alternating Thursdays – “From the Vault.” From the Vault is a series which features books that I read sometime in the past, but did not review. From the Vault may also feature reviews which I have previously written and posted to my first blog, The Midnight Hobbyist. For the most part, these are going to be books that I loved, since those which did not make a lasting impression are obviously not much for being remembered.

Alternating Fridays – “Resources!” This is a review of one of the resources listed on my Resource page. If I’m going to suggest a resource, certainly I should be able to tell you why, right?

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you, crazy blog-o-sphere, and hope to see you around!


New Reviews

From the Vault


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